What is Roller Derby?

Few people know what roller derby truly is. In fact, most sports fans aren’t too familiar with the details of the sport either. Past the eye-catching uniforms and cool roller skating, what do most people really know about roller derby?

Despite public confusion, roller derby continues to rise in popularity. You might think that only women play this sport. However, more and more people are trying it out and, almost expectantly, falling in love with the roller sport.

If you’re interested in learning more about the sport, then read on for every beginner’s guide to roller derby. From its rules, team compositions, and equipment, here are the basics of roller derby!

What is roller derby?

To put it in simple words, roller derby is a type of contact sport. Some people think it is ice hockey on roller skates and without the ice. It is, in a way. However, roller derby differs from any other roller skating sport out there.

Like most sports, roller derby comprises two competing teams. These two teams face each other in a series of jams wherein each team has a jammer (known by a star on their helmet) who races through the track counter-clockwise. The goal of the opposing team is to block the jammer from passing their members. Of course, whoever scores the most points wins.

It can get a little difficult to understand at first, so let’s break it down a bit!

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